Bed Bugs

NYC bed bug infestations have become far too common and can happen to just about anyone. That's why it is essential to have the right information - and in the case of an infestation, to have help from a qualified professional. If you have a bed bug infestation, a bed bug inspection can help to confirm the existence and extent of your issue.

The good news is that there are a number of effective treatment options to help kill bed bugs and prevent bed bugs from coming back.

Think You Have Bed Bugs? Call us at 718-851-3403 for a Free Estimate
Know Your Enemy: Bed Bug Facts

edbugs are small insects that feed off of human or animal blood. Adult bedbugs usually have flat, brownish colored bodies, though their bodies become swollen and develop a deep-reddish color after they’ve eaten. They are about the size of an apple seed (about 5-7 mm long) and they do not have wings.

Bedbugs prefer to feed on their hosts at night and often leave a trail of itchy, red bites that form either a line or a cluster, usually on the arms, legs, neck, or face.

Learn more about Bed Bugs:
How Do You Know if You Have Bed Bugs?Images of Bed BugsWhere Do Bed Bugs Come From?Bed Bug Registry NYCGetting Rid of Bed Bugs

Bed Bug Facts:

  • 5-7 mm long

  • Flat, brownish colored bodies.

  • Often leave a trail of itchy, red bites, typically forming a line.

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