Where do bed bugs come from?
Bed bugs live in furniture, clothing, walls or any small crevices or seams. They can be transferred through second hand furniture or clothing, or through suitcases and boxes that move from one place to another. Sometimes bed bugs can even multiply to infest different apartments in an apartment building.
What attracts bed bugs?
Cleanliness has nothing to do with attracting bed bugs; they feed off of blood. So, to put it simply: what attracts them is you. That said, cleanliness may have an impact on a bed bug's ability to hide.
How to avoid bed bugs
The simplest way to avoid bed bugs is to avoid picking furniture up off of the street and making sure to buy second hand goods from reputable sellers that screen the items they sell before hand.
Reduce clutter. While bed bugs aren't attracted to clutter, it does provide a good hiding place for bed bugs. Less clutter makes it far more likely that you will be able to spot and control an infestation before it spreads.
Check the Bed Bug Registry before checking into a hotel or renting an apartment.

Bed Bug Facts:
5-7 mm long.
Flat, brownish colored bodies.
Often leave a trail of itchy, red bites, typically forming a line.
Have a BedBug Problem?
If you have or think you may have a bed bug infestation, be sure to talk to an expert immediately. Delaying action or not having the right information can make it harder to resolve your problem - and worse yet, can allow the infestation to spread within your home and beyond.
Call us at 718-851-3403 or 212-235-7014 if you see the signs of bed bugs.